The Kingston Early Learning Centre is located at 32 Cameron Street Kingston SE.
The Kingston Early Learning Centre provides a quality learning curriculum in which every child and family is respected and valued. They are a stand-alone centre and deliver kindergarten sessions all day Tuesday and Thursdays and alternate Wednesdays (during school term).
A Rural Care program is available for children under 5, as well as a vacation care and after school program for school children up to 12 years of age (open for 50 weeks of the year between 8.00am and 6.00pm).
Programs and services offered by Kingston Early Learning Centre include:
- Sessional Kindergarten for eligible children
- Early Entry Programs
- Rural Care Program
- Pre-Entry Transition Program
- Lunch/Full Day Program
- Playgroup
Director - Stacey Daniel
Phone - 08 8767 2368
Email -
Website - Kingston Preschool