Infrastructure & Asset Management Plan

The current asset stock of the Kingston District Council, consists of some 2,669 individual assets including Transport Assets (roads, footpaths, kerb, carparks and bridges), Building Assets, Sewer Assets (CWMS reticulation and treatment), Marine Assets (structures & facilities), Open Space Assets (structures furniture & facilities) Plant and Equipment and Land.

In total this asset portfolio has a “Fair Value” of $148.2 Million (excluding land) and a “Carrying Amount” (less accumulated depreciation) of $127 Million (excluding land).

The effective and efficient management of the portfolio will ensure the services provided by the assets to Council and the community are delivered at an appropriate level and at a cost the community can afford.

The Infrastructure & Asset Management 2023/24 - 2032/33 was adopted at the 30 June 2023 meeting of Council.

Infrastructure & Asset Management 2023/24 - 2032/33

Section 231 of the Local Government Act requires that Council's maintain a register of  public roads within its area. The Kingston District Council's Register of Roads is below:

Register of Roads