Literacy without barriers - building a community of readers

Published 12th May 2022



Photo: Children and parents engaging in early learning activities at the Kingston Community School Library

KCSLibraryKingston District Council is partnering with the Kingston Community School Library to foster an environment of learning together, to equip families with the tools to help build their child’s literacy skills and develop a reading culture within the home.

Through the Local Government Early Childhood Community Innovation Grant Program, funded by the Department for Education, Council has received $7,600 to support the Community Library to develop book packs, containing stories, activities and differentiated guides for parents for reading with their pre-school aged children.

Chief Executive Officer Nat Traeger said, “this funding program is a great demonstration of what can be achieved through collaboration and reinforces the solid relationship between Council and the Community School Library.”

The ‘Literacy Without Barriers – Building a Community of Readers’ project will be led by staff at the Community School Library and will target development of vocabulary, both within literature and the community, as well as how to make connections between texts and the world around us.

Teacher Kirsten Barich, who will be coordinating the project said, “Through the creation of book packs we aim to engage vulnerable families who are not yet connected with local preschool programs or who face barriers to reading, including adult literacy, and to stretch and nurture those families who already have strong connections.”

Each book pack will contain a quality literature picture book, research-based activity ideas suited for children across 0-5 years which involve being out in the community, using items commonly found in the home and encouraging positive interactions between family members, as well as consumables which encourage thinking, design and creating. Mrs Barich said, “By removing barriers to reading and encourage reading widely, we hope to support families to improve communication and language development in children, leading to better learning outcomes for children.”

Kingston District Council Mayor, Kay Rasheed said, “Council is thrilled to be able to support the School Community Library in this project through accessing grant funding. We understand the importance of supporting literacy and learning in our community and know that the team at our Community Library will achieve wonderful outcomes through this program.”

The ‘Literacy Without Barriers – Building a Community of Readers’ program promoted through library preschool programs, Kingston District Council and Kingston Community School Library social media channels and newsletters, school holiday programs and the Kingston Early Learning Centre. Pamphlets will also be distributed to families through CaFHS and local businesses.

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Nat Traeger


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